Friday, June 24, 2011

We've Been "Flocked"

A couple weeks ago our church's fundraising group started a new fundraiser for the summer. I had never heard of "flocking" before and we thought we would give it a try.

Tracy (my daughter) has been in charge of moving the birds from house to house. I've helped her a few times. It is  pretty fun sneaking around filling lawns with these ugly pretty plastic pink birds.

Until........I woke up to this.....

The funny thing is I was actually kind of involved with my own flocking.

Tracy goes flocking a lot at night. Her girls are in bed sleeping so I got over to her house so she can sneak around people's houses in the dark. Last night was no different. I did my part and stayed with the girls while she went to flock our local police chief. (so I was told) 

Now all of you members of our church that are laughing about this right out! I am still trying to decide who I will send these beautiful lawn decorations to next. 

It just might be YOU.


  1. I love this idea!!
    My sister in law used to t.p. peoples houses. Ugh what a mess to clean up.

    I like this better!! Looks like so much fun.

  2. I've heard of "potting" (putting a toilet with flowers planted in it) people. But this is new. Hilarious that she did it while you were helping her. Maybe you can go halves. ;)

  3. Cute. I've seen this before, but never really knew what it was all about. What a fun idea. Great way to raise money for a worthy cause.

  4. Ahhhh....I've been the giver and recipient of several flockings in my time I'm embarrassed to admit....But this has a great twist on it! Too funny that you were actually aiding and abetting your own flocking. I'd be thinking payback, if ya know what I mean!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. This is so fun to see. This does raise money. I have seen it here in the boonies but I never got flocked. LOL!

  6. OMG! This is hilarious! I don't totally understand does it work and 'actually' raise money? I think it is the cutest =)

  7. Flocking!! I LOVE it!! So very cute:)

  8. oh that is SO funny!! I have seen that around our city too!! LOVE IT!!!

  9. LOL, how fun.
    I've heard of this but never seen it.

  10. That is soooooooo cute! I think the pink flamingos are coming back into style :-)

  11. This is the first time I've been glad that I'm not your neighbor! First of all, I don't want to be flocked. Second, I've always been afraid I'd end up with the kind of neighbors that have Pink flamingos in their yard! ;)

    It actually all sounds like a ton of fun. And you're raising funds too?

    Blessings, Debbie

  12. I have seen this sort of thing a few times on people's front yards but had no idea what it was all about (not something you'd see in England!). So now I know! I think they look rather at home there on your lovely lawn :-)


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...