Monday, June 20, 2011

First Campfire

The weather finally cooperated enough for us to have our first campfire of the summer. It was still a little chilly but we braved it out anyway. Is there anything better than the smell of a fire and time with family and friends?

 Waiting for the fire to get ready to make some smores.


 The sunset was gorgeous.

 Oh no, chocolate down the front of a cute pink sweatshirt.

 What are they lined up for?


I hope you all had a great weekend and savor every minute of the summer.

Tomorrow is the first official day of summer....
maybe we can put away the sweatshirts and jeans soon....maybe.....


  1. Fun, fun, pictures Jules!!! And I would've loved to have joined you! Can smell the smoke - and oh....the marshmallows!! You must be having better weather than us - we're sweatshirt cold yet, and dreary, soaking, damp, wet!! Finally bought some plantlings, but it's too muddy to dig in the dirt!! Have a wonderful week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Looks like fun was had all around! I love having fires with fam & friends =) I hear more rain is in the works for tomorrow...

  3. I've been busy and haven't visited in a while. At first, I thought I was on the wrong blog! I love your changes.

    Wow, it's hard to imagine all of you wearing long sleeves, sitting by the fire. We hit 104 degrees yesterday!

    I do love sitting by a fire though, and we made smores on Memorial Day, despite the heat!

    I read back, and I enjoyed the tour of your "village". All of our grown children live on the family farm, too. It's a wonderful life, isn't it?

  4. Happy Summer to you and your family!

  5. One of my favorite things while at the lake is to invite friends over that have children as well and mix some drinks and sit around the campfire. Great pics of the fireworks.

  6. Oh this looks like fun...and right in your own backyard too. We have to go to the beach to have a campfire and roast marshmellows. Quite the ordeal, but soo fun. Looking forward to that summertime activity. Have a wonderful day!

  7. Aww that looked like so much fun! I loved that she was so ready for making smores!!!!

    A beautiful evening!!

  8. Looks like you all had so much fun! Now I want a smore :)

  9. Nope, we're still in sweatshirts and jackets. Had to turn the heat on this morning.
    Your campfire looks like so much fun. What fun memories your grandkids will have. Kudos to you for being fun grandparents.

  10. Oh Jules, these pictures are beautiful! What fun!

  11. I sure hope you can put away those items for several weeks. Looks like a great time and anytime chocolate is involved, it has to be fun!

  12. So hard for me to even comprehend sweaters and jackets in mid june. Here in the south, we've had triple digit temps with NO rain in over a month. Too hot to do anything......and a fire? Oh MY!!!
    Precious precious kidos!!

  13. I haven't worn jeans in a couple of months but you wouldn't like the humidity here, it's horrible!! We've hada a few fires, still trying to get that old fence all burned up. Believe it or not theres still more to burn!
    Love the cuties around the fire!!
    Love Di ♥

  14. Oh you have such an idyllic setting - love that first shot of your little guest house with the fire burning. When can I come and stay? Love the sunset shot and that ray of fading sun and running children.

  15. Looks like everyone had a fun time!!! I haven't made smores in so long!!!

  16. Oh yum! Smores sound so good! I cannot believe you guys are still in sweatshirts! It's so hot down here! I hope it warms up soon for you guys!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...