Friday, April 8, 2011

The Smell is Worth the Task

 I decided to give in and hang some laundry on the clothesline. I love the fresh smell but absolutely do not like the task of putting them out there and bringing them in.

Maybe it's because I had to put boots on and tromp through the snow to do it.


  1. So, did they stand up all by themselves when you brought them in? It's snowing here right now..uggg!

  2. Please tell me this is a joke....there is NOT snow right now in April anywhere in this world, is there??? Oh My......! Anyone who still has snow needs to move south....NOW!!
    are the temps still freezing too?

  3. I can't wait to hang out my sheets & blankets. All I have is a little 'umbrella' clothesline but it works!I remember my mom hanging out clothes in the winter. Went to Appleton yesterday....sunny & 59 when we left for (cooler) home.

  4. OK.. this is a first for me.. line drying in the snow.. LOL!

  5. You crack me up Jules!! Too funny!

  6. I hope all that snow melts for you soon!

  7. Funny stuff! I love that there is snow out and you are hanging laundry. I'm dying for some fresh sheets. :)

  8. I could probably cut my electric bill in half if I did that!

  9. Wow! You crack me up.

    I hate to tell you but it was HOT in my corner of the word today.

  10. I LOVE sheets dried on a clothesline. Unless it's on a hot mucky day when we used to live in Iowa and the wind came from a certain direction and the smell from the neighbor's hog confinement buildings drifted our way. Yuch! But under normal circumstances you can't get the fresh smell of line-dried laundry out of a bottle. Feel bad that you still have snow. Ours has been gone for about two weeks now.

  11. Yup, I love hanging clothes outdoors and Love that I can use our deck to do it! We still have snow too which is slowly turning into huge mud puddles much to the children's delight.

  12. I was feeling all nostalgic there for a minute, because one of my favorite smells is clean sheets dried in the sunshine.

    Then I saw the snow...that's just crazy!

    I still love crawling into fresh sun dried sheets though! :)

  13. You STILL have snow??? That's just plain ol' CRAZY!

  14. I cannot believe y'all are still being tortured with snow.....UGH! I hope it warms up for y'all soon!

    Ok, I have a confession....I do not like clothes hung on the line. Seriously, that is the only way my parents dried clothes when I was growing up. I have never liked the smell or the stiffness. I prefer the dyer with a nice smelling dryer sheet. I know, I am weird!

  15. You poor thing! We've had 2 bad winters in a row here. Of course our 2 first winters out in the country. I do not know how you guys do there in WI. Our Phoenix relatives put on jackets when it's in the 60's here, so I guess it's whatever you're used to.

  16. Snow on the ground in mid-April...crazy! Hanging clothes out on the line while there is snow on the ground...really crazy! :-D

    Just wondering...didn't they freeze out there instead of dry?

  17. I do love hanging laundry on the line. I got it from my mom who would hang laundry (including our jeans) all winter long. I swear all she had to do was stand at the back door and whistle at the line and the jeans would walk in themselves after being frozen solid! :)

  18. I wouldn't walk through the snow to do it but I do so enjoy hanging them outside. Especially towels and sheets. The smell is wonderful and no matter how hard they try, I haven't found a fabric softener yet that can duplicate it!
    Love Di ♥


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 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...