Monday, April 25, 2011

The Flower Itch

 I think spring may be trying to show herself here in Wisconsin the past week. 

Not as much as this picture makes you think it is. I took these pictures a couple weeks ago from "inside" my house. I bought a bouquet of tulips and set them in my living room window. The sun was shining and they just looked so beautiful sitting on the window ledge. (Even though it was only about 40 degrees outside.)

 How can flowers put a smile on your face? I love fresh cut flowers in my house, even if I have to buy them from the store.

 Then when my tulips died I bought these beautiful colored daisies. The colors were so vibrant and beautiful in the afternoon sun.

 This morning I walked around my yard a little bit and there are some small signs of spring around here. 

This little guy is poking up between the brick on my back patio. Even though he doesn't really "belong" there, I can't pull him out. I'm sure he worked pretty hard at growing and blooming in our cold weather this spring.

 I think I'm finally getting the itch to head to the flower shops to buy all the beauties to fill my flower beds and hanging baskets.

 Even though they are calling for some more of that white stuff on Wednesday...

It's okay at this point in the spring because I know it will all melt the same day.☺

Happy Spring Everyone!


  1. Tulips are my favorite! Beautiful flowers you have/had :-)

  2. I think that little purple guy was trying to get into the house and I don't blame him! It snowed all day her on Saturday and rained all day on Sunday. I am itching for flowers too. Your pic's are so good! ;D

  3. Great pictures. I know the feeling of not being able to yank out the volunteer plants. I do the same. And then they get all leggy and ugly and I have to find something to replace them. Spring it coming!!! :)

  4. Yep, I see bits of Spring popping up in your neck of the woods too! Love those tulips!!

  5. The flower itch must run in the family!! A couple weeks ago when we filled candles at church, I brought home 3 potted plants and bought new pots and some magic potting soil for them. I looked at them yesterday and they all have new shoots coming up.Spring is the time for new life even for flowers- and it helped to satisify the urge to get my hands in the dirt!!

  6. Your flower picturs are so pretty! It's in the upper 80's here this week. I want Spring not Summer!

  7. Your photos are always so perfect Jules. And don't worry, warmth is coming to a neighborhood near you soon!
    And whatever you do, don't get the itch that I got (See my latest blog post). You wouldn't be happy with that!
    Wishing you lots of warmth and sunshine VERY SOON!!!
    Love Di ♥

  8. Itchin over on this side of the road too. Maybe we should go visit a garden nursery this week.

  9. Can't wait for the tulips to start blooming outside. On the way to and from Lynn's today there are lots of nursery's but I couldn't talk John into stopping.... and I don't want to keep them warm during this next snow storm. I've done that one to many times :)

  10. I know all about the itch believe me and being the manager of a garden center certainly encourages the itch, but at least I can satisfy the itch and bring home lots of flowers on a daily basis.. I was forced into bringing in lots of summer annuals only be demand... oh well... it is still too early here in NJ but the public is demanding!! Nice shots!

  11. That will be awesome! Hope you enjoy great weather.

  12. I think tulips are so pretty! One day I am going to buy some bulbs for our yard! I am glad that you are starting to see some signs of spring!

  13. I love flowers in the springtime. You ought to get a head-start on your spring flowers with HotKaps - they are environmentally friendly miniature green houses that protect from frost and give you a 2 to 4 weekhead start! - Blue Cotton Family loves them! LOL


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