Monday, January 31, 2011

What's Under There?

 Little Jack man is growing up in a world of girls, just like his Daddy did. There are a few things that come with that. Like wearing tutus and playing with dolls. (He really does play with cars, trucks, and other boy toys.)

He came across Felicity's American Girl doll the other day and this is what we found him doing.

I'm not sure what he thought he was going to find under there.


  1. Too funny! That doll brought back some memories. Hope you are staying warm.

  2. Oh my gosh, that is too precious! The look on his face in the second pic had me giggling =) What a cutie!

    Oh and yes, we are getting more snow here...yay us (not) =p

  3. Too is just like Andy grew up! Girl swimming suits, playing house, etc. Although he was always "Mr. Clean" when we played house - it was his manly spin to it. ;)

  4. Oh, my goodness...that is just TOO FUNNY! As they say, "Boys will be boys!" ;)

  5. So cute and So typical!
    Love Di ♥

  6. That is so funny! Poor little guy just doesn't see what the big deal is with dolls, huh?

  7. That's so cute! Jack is such a cutie!

    My daughter picked my grandson up the other day at preschool and found him dressed up. He said he was a Princess. She about flipped out. I told don't worry it's normal.

  8. Uh oh! He's getting an early start....

  9. HAHAHA... that is very funny... precious and cute! Thanks for sharing..

  10. "Just a hole" as my boys describe my baby daughter's privates, when comparing them to theirs. :)

  11. Oh my goodness. he is the cutest little thing : ) These pictures are adorable! So silly! Perfect!

  12. Who says that boys have to be trained to be a certain way?! Humm ;D

  13. Ahhh... that is too cute. They are so precious at that age. I'm your new follower from Blog Frog.

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Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...