Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jesus Shows Up in the Oddest Places

We had a little accident here the other day. Felicity fell face first onto my ceramic tile floor. After all the blood was cleared she had quite a big gash in her lip. What a very scary and horrible experience for her at the ER!

When we got back home I took her into the bathroom to show her the stitches. She smiled and said,

"Jesus is on my face!"
(the stitches made a cross)


  1. Awww... I'm sure that boo-boo hurt! Love the stitches remark though.. she's one creative, smart cookie! :)

  2. Out of the mouth of babes...what a sweetie and darnit.. that it happened to her!

  3. That is too precious! Love that child like faith, that sees Him everywhere.

  4. Poor thing! How sweet that she saw something GOOD from her accident!

  5. Awwww...poor, little thing! But so very sweet what she said :)
    Have a good day Jules!

  6. Owie, but oh so cute! Not many people get Jesus to show up on their faces! Precious~♥

  7. Oh sweet girl. I am so glad it wasn't worse. Jesus does make himself known at the most unlikely moments, doesn't he?

  8. I remember my first experience with the kiddos getting stitches...not fun.

    Love what she said. Too sweet.

  9. Love the innocense of children-because what comes out of their mouth is typically what is on their minds and hearts.

  10. Poor little sweetheart! But how wonderful that she turned it into something so positive! Bless her heart.
    Love Di ♥

  11. Precious! I love hearing Andrew point out "Jesus' cross" as we drive down the road or whenever he sees one.

  12. awww...that gives me goosebumps everytime I see it. I love the comment....what a sweetheart.

  13. Now, that is seeing the good in a challenge! I take it she is an optimist - always finding the good. She is beautiful with her cross! Hope you've recovered, too!

  14. awwh what a cute thing to say..and yes he does show up in the oddest places..she is beautiful!!!

  15. What a sweet thing that she said!! She's a brave little girl!

  16. Awww... sorry about the gash but that's a cute thing for her to say.

  17. So sweet. She is beautiful even with her fat lip. Looks like another little person I know. (stunt Man has had stitches in the lip before too)

  18. What an awesome response. Very positive attitude! Incredible photo of such a tremendous owie. Poor kiddo.

  19. Kids have the most beautiful hearts. I love that!

  20. Poor thing! That's really cute, though. I, too, fell flat on my face (at the age of 5) and ended up with 12 stitches (6 inside, 6 outside) on my bottom lip. It wasn't fun, but I did get to drink a lot of shakes, so that part was memorable :)

  21. That is so sweet! Don't you just love it when their little minds find the positive in everything?! We all need to think like our little ones =)


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