Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Total Randomness

 I sat down this morning with good intentions of sharing an awesome post with you all. Well, I don't have anything super exciting to share so you are getting some more random stories.

First of all....I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week already. How does that happen?

I'm pretty excited about Thanksgiving this year. Usually we spend it with just a few of us that really don't have any other plans so we make our own. I decided to put an invite to a "Misfits Thanksgiving" on Facebook. I guess there are more misfits out there other than just us. So far we are at 18 adults, 3 children, and counting.

How fun is that going to be!!!!

 I happened to notice the shadow Brian's buck was casting on the wall the other day. I know this is really a weird thing to take a picture of but I don't want to shelter you from any of the "excitement" going on around here lately.

 Poor poor Jack. He is growing up in a world of girls just like his Daddy did....

 Winter is here...

 Felicity at the doctor's office the other day. She is a perfect patient even when she is so sick. She just let the doctor do his whole exam without fighting him at all. Even when they had to do the blood draw she cried a little bit but what a little trooper. By the way she is totally well and fine now.

 Jack's first snow. 

And little Miss Hadalye is the biggest smiler ever!


  1. Oh, I do love random post and this one was a good one! Thanks for sharing it all..and have a really great Thanksgiving! ;D

  2. I think our life is randomness lately too! Being one of the "misfits" I think it will be an extra special Thanksgiving! Looking forward to it. Poor Jack.....he isn't supposed to be wearing a least it could have been camo or something....LOL See you tomorrow nite!

  3. aw, poor Jack, thats a picture to pull out for his future wedding slideshow!

  4. your grandbabies are going up fast! Love all the pictures(except the snow one and you can keep that!)
    What is a misfit Thanksgiving?

  5. I love random post! Love all the pictures


  6. I loe all your 'randomness'!!! Your thanksgiving idea is Awesome btw... Used to do that when I lived on military bases, years ago!!! It felt good for us to invite those that would have been alone on the holiday otherwise.

    Have a Very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
    Blessings & Hugs,

  7. Awesome hair!! She is so adorable. Do you all just smile at her the whole time she's around?
    I love these photos. I did a shadow photo of Ty's chess game one day. Pretty rockin' stuff I tell you. :)
    I love your Thanksgiving idea. That is an awesome way to show God's love. Reminds me of a certain parable. Be blessed!

  8. I love the photo of Jack's first snow Jules, that was great! The TuTu and wings, not so much poor boy!! Well he was cute but you know what I mean!
    Sounds like you have a bit of food shopping to get done! Your Thanksgiving sounds like it will be fun! Love Di ♥

  9. That does sound like a fun Thanksgiving! The more the merrier, right? :)

  10. I like random posts too. I can't get my head around the fact that parts of this country are now blanketed in snow! It's a cool 67 today here but Saturday we head back into the 70's and by Monday it will be 75 and I might just take off my sweatshirt, although anything below 70 feels pretty cold to me :-)

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  11. Love the randomness!! So much to be thankful for......

  12. I agree, nothing too exciting going on here! How did you get snow, we have had nothing! We also are misfits for Thanksgiving, ha!

  13. Sometimes it's good to just have those 'random' thoughts instead of something happening ALL the time! It gives us time to breathe. I have to admit it's been a while since I've visited but miss keeping up with all my blog friends. I am hopeful that things are calming down here for us and I can get back into my habit of reading every day.

  14. What do you call this--"pick on Jack day"?? First dress him up in a tutu and then plop him in the snow~~ goodness sakes that boy needs some male cousins on his side~!!!His daddy went through this too and he turned out just fine~~ so I guess ~`not to worry~~Good shots of all little people!!

  15. That totally reminds me of when we used to dress Andy up!! We usually put him in girl swimming suits though....ahhhh, the good 'ol days :)

  16. What a beautiful picture of the snow! Sure looks pretty :)
    That's so nice Felicity is such a little trooper for the doctor! Glad she is feeling better.
    Also--cute picture of Jack's first snow :)

  17. aw poor jack! haha so cute though! I can't believe it's snowed there already. We're still getting warmish weather! have a great week!

  18. You have snow already!
    I'm guessing we'll get it soon. Random stories are the best stories, and I enjoyed your post!


  19. Stopping by from SITS! I like the idea of the Thanksgiving misfit invites! I think if I did that, who knows would would show up, lol! :)

  20. Great post. I am sure Jack will not be thrilled with his sisters when he grows up and sees that photo. You have adorable children.

  21. It's me Shannon again! Thank you for stopping by my blog, I left you a reply. I think you HAVE to write when it's there and not force yourself. Listen to your gut, take a break. It will all be there when you get back. Trust me. :)

  22. The misfit Thanksgiving sounds fun! I hope you have a great holiday!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...