Monday, November 1, 2010

How Great Thou Art

My Dad has been playing the concertina since he was a boy. He is self taught. I have many memories of him playing for our family when we were younger and then again for our children as they grew up.

He doesn't get his beautiful concertina out very often any more, but when he does we still love to sit and listen to him play.

This past weekend he got it out when Felicity came to visit. She absolutely loved it! He played a few songs and she stood right in front of him and danced with her doll the whole time. I hope she remembers her Great Grandpa playing for her when she is older. If not, we have this video to show her when she is grown.

This is priceless.....


  1. Ah.. what a video for to have for years to come. I love how she's standing there swaying.. so sweet.

  2. Maybe you should learn how to play it and then we could keep the tradition going..... ya know I do know how to play my dad's stump fiddle. LOL

    Great memory for all the great grandkids.

  3. That video clip is a wonderful memento to have of Great Granddad for Felicity.

  4. I don't have Flash Player on tmy work computer...I gotta wait til I get home to see this....dang it all to heck!

  5. That is such a TREASURE! I love the sound of those beautiful melodies!

  6. Very sweet, and what a wonderful keepsake!

  7. That is so sweet! What did we all do before videos? That is precious to have! ;D

  8. I just called Dad over here to watch himself on video~~ He said he made a couple mistakes on that song. We have to get the concertina out more often. Thanks for the mamories-- Felicity is such a doll!!

  9. Tears........ I will never get tired of hearing him play. I wonder if God will let him play in heaven someday.

  10. That was so sweet! That's awesome you have it on video...what wonderful memories you'll have :)

  11. PS--I forgot to mention how cute Felicity looked enjoying the music and dancing and patting her baby's sweet!

  12. What a blessing! Grandparents are a wonderful blessing. Greats are beyond words. Thanks for sharing such a special moment.

  13. This was priceless Jules. It is also my and was my mom's favorite hymn. So bittersweet. Love Di ♥

  14. Precious! She's lucky you have this memory captured for her.
    BTW, I've been looking at your profile pic, and may I just say, you do not look like a woman who is old enough (or worn down enough! That would be me!) to have two grown children. Have you the fountain of youth in your backyard? May I come for a dip?

  15. sweet. I haven't heard him play in so long.

  16. So precious. What a great memory to have caught on film.

  17. What a wonderful treasure you have there sweetie. You little Felicity will adore this when she's older.

    God bless and have an incredible day!!! :o)

  18. Hi!I love your blog...and it's very beautiful! my name's martina and I come from Italy...I would like you visit my blog and if you like it...follow me!Iwait you and your tips!kiss kiss!

    Now I do a giveaway about Socute

    Why don't you partecipate???^^

  19. Hey sweetie, I just wanted to thank you for your lovely visit and hoppin' on my blog. I sure hope ya'll enjoy the ride!!!

    Life is full and busy here on the farm and I try (notice I said try) to throw up one post a week but ya know, sometimes life happens! Heeehehe!

    God bless ya and in those crazy words of Granny Clampett, "Ya'll come back now, ya hear!!!" :o)

  20. That is awesome! I don't remember hearing him play that one. We need a copy of him playing that entire song.

  21. That is beyond precious!


Leave me some sugar........

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 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...