Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What To Say............

I haven't posted in a few days because my creative juices haven't been a flowin'. I've been pretty busy around here the last few days with all the events at church for this week. On Sunday we had a chili cook off, which was a big hit and lots of fun. Last night we built our float for the parade on Sunday. Tomorrow night we go see the musical "Mama Mia" I am so stinkin excited about that!!!! Then on Saturday we are having a booth for Harvest Days where we will be selling cheesecake dipped in chocolate on a stick. And of course those cake pops that we have been making forever. Hopefully I will have my camera with for a few of these events so I can share with you.

Thanks for stopping by even though this post is pretty boring. I had to add a picture of our Sunshine just to make it interesting.


  1. Look at that face! She is so precious. Enjoy Mama Mia...I've heard it is fabulous!

  2. That picture is so sweet. I hope you have a great time seeing Mama Mia. How fun.

  3. Good luck getting everything done. Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate :)

  4. Definitely busy but sounds like SO much fun! Man I wish I could get some chocolate covered cheesecake on a stick! Yummy!

  5. I've been busy too, and haven't been by most blogs for what seems like two weeks... I blame swine flu and homeschooling!

  6. Hi jules..thanks for the visit to my blog...I'm so glad you popped in because....I came here to see you and I'm laughing so hard that my eyes are tearing!!! The post below..your hair and all that you said here is...ME! I love to stay at home too..I an such a homebody sometimes...anyway this made me laugh so hard! So I am now a follower of yours..hope you'll come say hi often! :D

  7. cute picture!

    Have fun at Mama Mia

  8. Ohh! Lucky you! I haven't seen Mama Mia!!! I want to though.

    Yes, please take your camera :)

    I keep a small camera in my purse at all times. Lol. It's the true sign of a blogger ;)


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...