Tuesday, October 6, 2009

MckLinky Blog Hop - Fill In & Finish

For this week's blog hop we filled in the blanks of the following story. This was actually quite challenging to do. It really made me think about why we don't do the things that are obviously important to us.

You just found out you have one week to live. The first person you call is Brian, my kids, and my parents and say I love you and we need to be together. Immediately after hanging up the phone, you leave the doctors office and before heading home you go to Mom's so you can have a good cry.

You gather your family at home that night and say "Stay strong" then all of you together pray for the strength to make it through this next week.

You book a three day trip to three different places because you've always wanted to go to Paris, Hawaii, and see the land Brian wants in Idaho. On the way back from your trip you stop off at The Grand Canyon to soak in the beauty God created because you've been meaning to for a long time.

For two more days you spend your time reading the last of my Yada Yada Prayer Group books, writing journals to my husband and children, and eating everything I love, the more fattening the better. You make sure you clean my office, visit Brian's Grandma, and write a will ... three things you know you should have taken care of but have been putting off.

The final day is too personal to write about but you wonder to yourself: why did I have to get a death notice before I finally did all those things this week?

The reason I'll probably keeping putting off all those things is.......I don't really know why but this sure has helped me realize what's important in life. Always people. Never "things."

MckLinky Blog Hop
Special thanks to Shoplet.com-Purell Hand Sanitizers for sponsoring this blog hop.


  1. Wow...that is a deep post...makes you really think, doesn't yet?

  2. Wow that was great. It sure does make you think about that song Tomorrow by the Winans. Awesome job.

  3. Okay now that was too much for me, I do have a little bit of "Feeler" in me. :)

    I can't imagine having to wrap my mind around that. You did a wonderful job.

  4. I really like your answers! This post really makes you think about the important things in life!

  5. I like your answers...and you are right...we all need reminders.

  6. This was a tough one. Very well thought out, touching answers.


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...