Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Big Ugly Bug

This is another one of Brian's masterpieces. He came in from outside the other night and said, "You have to come and see this bug outside." I was all comfy on the couch so I didn't go. So of course he grabs the camera and runs out the door. Every time he does this he takes about 20 pictures of his "subject" and I have to go through and delete most of them. He usually comes up with a couple that are pretty cool. Does anyone know what this thing is?

Wedding news: Last night we went to Julee's and worked on centerpieces. We got there about 4:30 and of course didn't get started until about 6:00. (There was a lot of girl talk to do first) Then of course we were hungry and had to order in pizza, that took another half hour off our production time. Needless to say, we left there about 8:30 with about half of them done. Oh well, it gives us a chance to get together again tonight. Maybe we will be more focused!


  1. I don't know what that bug is - but YUCH! Is it a cockroach? Anyway, why does Brian keep taking pictures of bugs? BTW - I wouldn't count on being more productive tonite. Too much fun last night - makes the memories all that much more special. What are we ordering for supper tonite? Chinese? They don't deliver but someone could go pick it up.

  2. I don't know what it is, but it's scary looking!

  3. What is with this bug fascination Brian has? My schedule is free tonite so if you need help with centerpieces, let me know.

  4. Huh. Boys never grow out of the bug love thing then? lol

  5. I have no idea. A water bug? It's giving me the heebie-jeebies, though!

  6. Wowza...I have no idea. But I would be stayin' away from those claw like things in front:o

    Do you live in Minnesota? I saw your comment about the MOA and I can't remember seeing where you are from.

  7. Wow...what a bug! Wedding planning is so much fun!

  8. That bug looks huge. Great shot. He is getting really good at this. Happy Wedding preparations.

  9. Thanks for stopping by with a comment! Looks like you have a lot going on...good luck with all the wedding preparations!

  10. EEEWWWW...eebby-jeebby!! I don't like bugs one bit and now I have to go to bed with that on the brain! Thanks!! lol


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...