Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Fall

Wow, today is the first day of fall already. Don't get me wrong, I love fall but it is just too close to winter for me. Does anyone else despise the cold? I'm kind of a boring person, I don't really like any outdoor activities. Especially the ones in winter; skiing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, etc. So why do I live in Wisconsin where we have 8 months of not so warm weather? You're looking at her. My family and friends live here, that's why.


  1. I agree...I love fall but it's too short and you know winter is on the way!

  2. She is so cute and you gotta live by family! A Must!

  3. Yes...I suppose that cutie would keep you right where you are. I ADORE fall(not winter), but I just live in denial through autumn...and then go into hibernating as soon as winter hits. Happy Fall!

  4. Your right...fall is not long enough! I don't like the winter either.

  5. Winter - Yuch! Why do we live here? I think we should take a poll - maybe our family and friends would move.

  6. Now wait just a minute here!! I LOVE Winter! I love to wake up on a morning after a snowstorm and look outside at all the snow hanging in the trees. I love to be outside and when you take a deep breath of the cool fresh air! I do not however like the way below zero temps. BBBRRRR.

  7. Oh, so people don't move to Wisconsin for the weather. That explains a few things. A friend from California this week asked if it's cold up here. I said cold was relative. It's colder than California, warmer than Alaska. Hope you have a great fall, because that cold weather will be here before you know it.


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...