Monday, July 18, 2011

The Wait is Over

 Felicity has been waiting for quite some time now to get her ears pierced. The day finally came on Friday. She was so happy that Daddy was there to hold her for the big moment.

 And of course Kylee was there to hold her hand.
(She had just gotten her ears pierced in March)

 All ready.

 That was NOT fun!

 But it is a price you pay for beauty.

Felicity turns 3 tomorrow. How does that happen? 
Happy early Birthday to our little Princess...


  1. Happy Birthday!! She looks cute with her ears pierced! guess she will be getting some earrings for her birthday.

  2. Felicity is adorable!!! Awww....what a sweet moment - and how wonderful her daddy went with her....Wishing her the happiest of birthdays (and hope there's some cool pool splashing's a little sticky in these parts lately!!) Wishing you cool breezes and a wonderful week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. What a beautiful, brave girl! Happy birthday to her!

  4. Love that last picture. I was 8 months pregnant when I had my ears pierced. It hurt!!
    Happy Birthday to adorable Felicity!

  5. Oh man I remember that 1...2...3...SNAP part! I got mine pierced probably around 4 or 5 but wouldn't let my mom clean them so I let them grow up. Got them done again later on. There certainly is a price to pay for beauty! I hope she has a great birthday!

  6. So cute! I got my ears pierced when I was 18 (after high school sports were over). It was my boyfriend's idea and we were celebrating our "anniversary" While waiting for a movie he suggested we go over to Walmart and get them pierced. I am happy I did, but not so happy we chose to do so at WALMART since they are uneven and one is too low! :)

  7. Happy Birthday AND Congratulations, sweet girl! I can't believe she's three already. Her poor little ears looks so red. They should feel better soon though and until then they are SO pretty.

  8. What a lovely milestone!!
    It will be fun getting earrings for your precious girl!

  9. sweet! She is just prcious and her little ears look so cute! What a big day for her :)
    Happy early birthday to Felicity!

  10. Aw! I remember getting mine done. I was 13 though! haha and they didnt do both ears at the same time. It was one after the other. She looks beautiful! Happy Birthday to her!

  11. She looks beautiful!!! I bet she couldn't stop looking at her ears!!! And tell her Happy Birthday for me!!

  12. So here ears are pierced for the big third birthday party! She's all set!
    Love Di ♥

  13. I'm so impressed that someone took pictures. I'm always kicking myself for not thinking to take pictures when something is happening. The last picture of her is really, really cute.

  14. What a adorable the doll is... love it..


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Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...