Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Misfit Thanksgiving

I'm a bit late with my Thanksgiving post but..............I guess I have no excuse.

After putting an invite on Facebook we got plenty of replies. I guess we weren't the only ones that didn't have any plans for Thanksgiving. Since our final number was around 40, we had to move the party into our garage.

We aren't fancy folk around here but we decorated the garage the best we could. These little trees are "Thankful Trees" and everyone wrote on the leaves what they were thankful for that day.

Tracy, Joni and Melissa made these cute turkey cupcakes for the kids.

Here's myself and mom putting the finishing touches on the tables....

Baby Hadalye and her Daddy.

Can you believe we had leftovers even with this many people?
What an awesome time we had with all our family and friends...............

And I just had to share one more picture of me and my shadow.


  1. oh girl, this just melts my heart....and what a wonderful idea!

    The cupcakes are too cute!!

    So glad you had a great Thanksgiving!

  2. Sounds like everything went off without a happy to hear it! I simply think this is the neatest idea I've heard of in a long time!

  3. Now that is truly Thanksgiving...wish I could have come too! :D

  4. Now that is what I call a crowd! Looks like everybody enjoyed themselves and left stuffed. Way to put it all together in such short time!

  5. Looks wonderful. Love all the special touches. When everyone sees these fun pictures, you may have more than 40 next year.

  6. That is the most beautiful garage I have ever seen. :) It looks like everyone had a wonderful time.

  7. Ahhhhhh what an awesome family gathering! This is exactly what I was wishing for, but settled for a small get together with my family and my parents. It was still great!

    Great pics :)

  8. I must be emotional this evening because your last photo made me teary eyed! Just beautiful Jules! And what a dinner/party! You are amazing and so lucky to have your mom with you.
    Love Di ♥

  9. what a fun time!! I'm so glad y'all had a blessed day!

  10. Looks like a wonderful day and that picture of you and your shadow should certainly be framed!!
    Enjoy the day,

  11. I love all your pictures!...especially the last one!
    We've had many parties that had to be moved to the garage...I think they were the best parties we had!


  12. Looks like lots of fun! Those turkey cupcakes are super cute!

    Love that last picture!

  13. You sure had a big crowd! How nice and fun! Love all the festive decor. the banner was so cute!!
    Have a great weekend Jules!

  14. What an awesome idea! So glad that everything went well and that y'all had a great Thanksgiving!

  15. That's the coolest thing ever - how fun! And your garage is SO CLEAN! I am beyond jealous.

    It goes without saying that your shadow is precious. That's a lucky little girl

  16. Wow! And I thought I had a crowd at 18. Looks like a fabulous time. I love that last picture of you and your granddaughter.


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...