Friday, September 10, 2010

Sugar and Spice

That's what little girls are made of....

Great Grandpa, my dad, came to see Hadalye at the hospital. He's not too into babies but Tracy plopped her right into his arms and he didn't have a choice on holding her.

Is there anything much cuter than tiny baby feet?

Ready to leave the hospital.

She is quite the little sleeper. She even slept through her first bath at home.

I still haven't gotten back into my normal routine around here. Kylee (the little girl I daycare for) started kindergarten this year and so for the first time in 5 years I am again childless for the day. But I sure don't have trouble filling my days with our three precious grandchildren. We are so blessed to have them living next door so I get to see them everyday. I just can't get enough of them. Any grandmom's with me on this?


  1. I am totally with you on that.....I can't imagine how grandparents who don't get to see their grandkids all the time do that. I need to see Aubree...if a couple days go by, I have withdrawls......not good. Hadalye is a sweetie.....congrats again!

  2. We are far enough away that we only get to see our grandkids on the weekends. If we miss a weekend for some reason, the following week is very bad with withdrawals!

  3. If she isn't the sweetest little thing! Looks like an angel! So happy for all of you! I can hardly wait to become a grandmother one day!

  4. My mom says being a grandma is way better than being a mom. I think she's right, you get to send the kids home when you get tired!!


    Love the adorable pics of the newbie, there's nothing like it.

  5. you have the cutest grandbabies. i'm guessing your kids were the cutest around too. :) She is so precious. I think I need to go scoop my newest babe up and get some snuggles while I still can.

  6. Oh for sure Jules! Unfortunately we bought our house before the grandchildren came along or I would have moved right next door!
    Gosh Jules you took the perfect "Baby feet" photo! Just perfect!!!
    I don't see the spice yet, just pure sugar! Love Di ♥

  7. Love her, she looks so tiny. Yeah for grandchildren here and you finally caught up to me, your house is going to get fuller at holidays now and they all want to sit on top of Grandma!!! Love it, enjoy!!

  8. awwwwwee!! thanks for sharing the pics.. ADORABLE !


  9. I wish I lived next door too... b/c I always need me a baby fix!! ;) I have been holding babies since I was 8 or 9 years old!! ;) She is Yummy!! ;)

  10. Congrats...she is the toe picture!
    You're so lucky to have your kids next door! My mom lives 8 hrs away...I never minded the distance before....until I had my son. She misses out on all the little day to day are blessed!

  11. awwww what a precious blessing! i found you thru a blog of a blog! i think the over 40 bloggers! i am now your latest follower! your family is beautiful! xo

  12. She is the cutest!

    precious pictures. You have reson to be proud.

    HAppy weekend. Enjoy your babies.

  13. You know I am with you!! Like a previous commentor......I too suffer withdrawels!!!

  14. Great photos. I love those little hats. Glad to hear she's doing well and winning hearts.

  15. She is ADORABLE! Congratulations - your family just keeps growing =) Enjoy every minute because you and I know how fast they grow. I can't believe our one and only granddaughter is already 19 months old.

  16. What a precious little girl. I love the pictures. yeah for good sleepers too.

  17. Oh those photos I am sure do not give that precious little girl sweet and tiny. Love the baby teeny tiny. Nice family photo...all smiles. You are one lucky grandma to visit everyday and get to love on them.

  18. What a sweet baby girl! You are so lucky to have the grandkids next door! I hope I will be so lucky as a grandma!

  19. I wish all of mine lived next door! She is so cute..and she has darling hats! :D

  20. What an adorable little girl!!
    I can't even tell you how lucky you are to have your grandkids next door!
    Mine all live out of state and I get to see them once, or twice a year. You are truly blessed - as are your kids/grandkids to have you so near!
    Love your blog!!

  21. She is just beautiful!

  22. Oh I love the photo of her asleep in the bath! You are so lucky to have your family so very close by, enjoy every moment!

  23. Oh I love the photo of her asleep in the bath! You are so lucky to have your family so very close by, enjoy every moment!

  24. She's adorable! Love the photos you took. And yes, there's not much cuter than teeny tiny baby feet. Enjoy your time with her!

  25. Congratulations on your bundle of pink! I know that if my son and his wife lived next door - I would be thrilled! And you definitely do not look old enough to be a grandma!

  26. Beautiful!

    I bought that owl onesie for one of my blog friends! I cant wait until her daughter is born so I can see it on her!! :)))

    such beautiful grandchildren!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

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