Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Broken Sole

The weather has been beautiful (in between all the gushing rain) so we took advantage of it and went for another ride. I love to take pictures while we are going down the road but I can't believe any of them ever turn out since it is so windy and bumpy on the back of a bike.

At one of our stops along the way the sole of Brian's shoe totally broke right off. It was pretty funny to the rest of us, but he didn't think so. We took off again but he was complaining that it was hard to shift the bike with his shoe hanging like that.

We drove into Merrill to have lunch and take another break. The construction was everywhere. We couldn't get to Dairy Queen because we kept taking wrong turns.

We went back through the construction and hit a dead end and turned into a driveway to turn around. What was at the end of that driveway?????

A Factory Shoe Outlet store.......
What's the chances of that? I guess God didn't want him driving the bike and trying to shift with that darn broken shoe.

A new pair of shoes and we were on our way....


  1. LOL...that is a very cool story..yay for his new shoes, they are pretty sharp! Looks like so much fun! :D

  2. very cool! Love the new shoes!


  3. It's the little things in life that teach us some of the greatest lessons. The irony of it - we serve a God who knows best. Love this!

  4. That is awesome that you ended up there! Too funny but looks like he got a very nice pair of new shoes! Really like that first picture!

  5. great pictures. i can't believe that store was right there.

  6. Those skies are just beautiful!
    Enjoy the night

  7. well that certainly worked out didn't it!

  8. some people will do anything for a new pair of shoes. :)

    fun story.

  9. Wow! Talk about a divine appointment! I think you were right about God not wanting him riding any further with a broken shoe.

  10. I love that! CLAIM THAT BLESSING GIRL!!!!!!

  11. I love it when life works out that way! That to me is a sign from God himself! Love Di ♥

  12. Hey Jules! Lovin the shoes. Nothin better than the wind in your hair.

  13. I hope you bought yourself a new pair too!!

  14. Love those great moments of karma.

  15. What a wonderful story! Did you get to shop too? Lol! I am still trying to convince my better half that we need a bike...maybe one day...sigh...

    Take care and have a great rest of the week!

  16. You guys were totally at the right place at the right time!

  17. What a great story! I like the picture you took from the back of the bike...pretty cool!

  18. I'm so jealous, oh how I love to ride!

    The sole was a crack up! Like the new ones he got though!

    Looks like it was a great day in spite of it all!


  19. Love the new digs. Very cool. Sorry the old ones broke. Too funny.

  20. Looks like so much fun!!! I haven't been on a motorcycle in years!!!

  21. Ok, now that IS a funny story! I love that it was a shoe store - great story!

  22. Awww what a cute story Jules! Looks like he got some nice looking new ones!

    My hubby has been bugging to go to Dairy Queen for the last 2 weeks! lol...guess I better go soon!

  23. Love your story. I admire your bravery to ride a motorcycle.
    Sounds like you had fun.

  24. very cool post!! God was watching out for you guys ! :)

  25. That is just too cool!


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...