Monday, May 4, 2009

Another Fire

I happened to look out my living room window and this is what I saw. At first I thought the neighbor was just burning brush piles again. But as I watched, that wasn't the case.

It grew and grew. It got closer and closer to our land. I could even see the actual fire, not just the smoke.

Then the smoke was pretty close. Should I call the fire department?

I didn't have to call. They were there within a couple minutes.

Oh boy, not looking so good here. The wind was coming our way.

This happened a year or so ago. The other neighbor was burning and it got out of control and burned part of the woods. Now this was the neightbor on the farm next door trying to burn some brush so he could rent the land out. Not a good idea when you don't have any help and it is windy, and dry. He actually started the fire over the property line and all the land that got burned wasn't even his!! Oops.


  1. this looks awful close to B&T house. Was their house ok? Yikes


Leave me some sugar........

Sprinkler Fun

 What do we do on hot summer days without a pool?  We get out the sprinkler and have some fun!         ...