Saturday, December 20, 2008

Steak & Lobster Night 2008

We had our third annual Steak & Lobster night at the Koontz house. We started with just our two families and it has grown over the last couple years. We have way too much to eat and then end up laying around cause we can't move. This year we had a some newbies, Bob & Kathy Messman. There was quite a storm going on and they weren't going to make it. They decided to come anyway. We are glad they could join us. Bob & Tammy's driveway is the longest part of the drive for the rest of us. Bob's daughter Kristen and her fiance Dave came from St Paul, but they stayed the night. Casey's parents, Charlie and Carol, always provide small presents for everyone. Last year, Santa dropped them off at the patio door. This year, we played a little game where you could steal someone's. Most of us ended up trading with someone when we were all done. It is a great time and we can't wait for next year.

Here's a picture of the gang hanging out in the kitchen, waiting for the food to be ready. It looks like Cole is in the middle of one of his stories. He is pretty darn entertaining.

Here's Kathy and me just hanging out, catching up with each other's lives.

Kylee and Jordan, (Casey's little cousin) have become quite good friends over the last couple years. They both get presents from everyone on this night.

Kylee had to help Felicity with her presents. She just likes to eat the paper.

Here's Kristen and Dave watching the madness while the gift game was going on. I wonder what they think of our extended family?

Dave & Kristen's dog, Norman, loved Casey. He was all over her like this the whole night. He knows who the dog lover of the family is.

Kylee got a Vtech game from us. Here is Brian "showing" her how to use it. I think she was pretty bored and ready to do it herself.
I didn't realize that we didn't get pictures of everyone from this night. Oh well, I will try to do better next time.

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